fionn skincare blog


English  /   日本語


Are Finn's products O.K. to use on allergy prone skin?

Q: My skin is prone to allergic reactions. Are Finn's products O.K. to use? A: As Finn's products are very gentle to the skin, they are expected to be safely used by people with allergic skin. However, we cannot guarantee this as everybody…

Are Finn's products good for sensitive skin?

Q: I have sensitive skin. Are Finn's products good for my skin? A: I cannot say in general terms as skin types and conditions vary depending on the person. However, Finn's products are comfortably used by many of those who have sensitive a…


A: Finnの製品は、大変、肌に優しい化粧品ですので、アレルギー体質 の方にも安心してお使い頂ける筈ですが、お肌の特徴は人それぞれ ですので、全ての方に大丈夫とは言い切れません。ご心配の場合は、 ご利用前に腕の裏などでパッチテストをしてご確認をお…


A: お肌の質や状態は個々人によって千差万別ですので、一概には 言えませんが、基本的に敏感肌の方でも安心してご使用頂いて います。敏感肌の主な原因は表皮のバリア機能の衰えにより 外界の刺激を肌が敏感に感じる為に起こります。 Finnの化粧品をお使いに…